Marion Public Library recently issued the following announcement.
Have you read a really great book that you want to share with others? Bring it to the Book Show-and-Tell each month on the fourth Tuesday at 3 p.m. Tell us what you love about the book, and show us those covers. Please bring a copy if you can. This is not like school book reports and no need for any preparation, we anticipate conversation to flow naturally. Do be prepared to add some titles to your "must read list."
The book can be fiction of nonfiction, from 5 years ago or released last week. We only ask that it is a book within MPL's collection so everyone has access to a copy at no cost to them.
Coordinator: Megan
Date: Tue, 02/22/2022 - 3:00pm -Tue, 02/22/2022 - 4:00pm
Original source can be found here.