A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was sent to Morrow County on October 7, 2024. The request, submitted by the Marion-Morrow Times, a media organization dedicated to providing comprehensive and accurate news coverage on local governmental affairs, seeks access to specific public records.
We are seeking records under the Ohio Open Records Law, §149.43 et seq., specifically requesting a list of FOIA logs that were sent to Morrow County from January 1, 2024, until October 7, 2024. The requested information includes the following fields: Requester Name, Requester Organization, Request Content, Request Date, Request Complete Date, and FOIA Status.
As a media organization committed to holding public institutions accountable and providing transparency to the public through our reporting efforts, we believe access to these public records is essential in fulfilling our professional responsibilities.
In light of our role in disseminating information to the public and promoting transparency in government operations, we have also requested a fee waiver as part of this FOIA request. We are confident that this will aid us in continuing our mission of delivering comprehensive and accurate news coverage on local governmental affairs.
We await a response from Morrow County regarding this request and remain committed to keeping the public informed about matters concerning their local government.