Edward Jones, Amy Fredritz
352 McMahan Blvd
Marion, OH 43302
When: Thursday, April 21, 2022
Time: 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.
For more information on Edward Jones, Amy Fredritz
Call 740.440.2217
Visit their website
RSVP: Register by noon Monday, April 18, 2022 by choosing the Register Icon, calling the office at 740.382.2181 or emailing the Chamber at chamberstaff@marionareachamber.org.
Event Description:
Socialize with the Marion area business community, while practicing social distancing, at this month's Business After Hours!
Business After Hours provide the perfect time to relax while still offering opportunities to develop business relationships and meet potential future clients.
All Chamber member businesses and their employees are invited to attend this FREE event, which is a benefit of their Chamber membership.
Invite your entire office and RSVP today!
Original source can be found here.